Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Longest Short Week Ever!

Work was a four day week due to having Monday off for the holiday, but it sure felt like a regular five day week! I'm now doing homework club on Tuesday nights, writing tutoring on Wednesdays, and math tutoring on Thursday nights. We have staff meetings every other Monday night so basically I get a break after school every other Monday and then on Fridays. My planning time during the day is taken up by meetings every day, so I don't get a planning time ever! This week was especially busy because I had to get assessments done and then pick up all the slack from our reading program because my co teacher had her baby. It was just chaotic. I feel like I have a TON of work to do this weekend and if I don't do it then I pay for it later. Does anyone have a 9-5 job, meaning that when you're done with work you come home and don't have to work at home in the evenings? I love having summers off, but in reality I've already worked all those hours I get off during the summer so technically I'm just being compensated for all the extra time I've already put in, I basically have a year round job, which a lot of people don't understand. But, I am SOOOOOOO happy to have a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to keep that in the front of my mind at ALL times!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Being a teacher is probably one of the most underrated and underpaid jobs out there! You guys put SO much work in and don't get a lot of credit for it. My mom is a tutor/speech pathologist and puts in about 3 times the hours just doing prep work as she does actually working with clients. I give you guys so much respect for sticking with it!

I have a 8-5 job and I refuse to ever let it slide into my non-work life. I have a coworker who routinely brings work home to do at night and over the weekends, but I am not that kind of person at all. I don't think I could handle a job that required me to work during my off time - work/life balance is just too important to me.