Sunday, January 10, 2010


So I'm not going to tell all on or announce it to the world but I thought I was safe on here to announce that I did in fact by two kinds of anti wrinkle cream on Friday. I absolutely did not think that at almost 30 I would be seeing anything that even remotely looked like wrinkles on my "young" face. Though, it seems that my face is not getting the memo that it's still "young" because there are lines popping up all over, mainly when I smile, but still. I just looked at a picture of me smiling with Little man in a picture that was only take 3 years ago and there were NO lines around my eyes, forehead, anywhere.....WTH???? I've decided that since I'm not getting any younger I'm going to experiment with different creams. I'm sure living in FL didn't help my face whatsoever either, I'm paying the price now apparently.

My face is very dry but there are several different things that could be contributing to my dry, just plain, old, looking face. I sporadically take my multivitamin (I know, I know I'm going to be better about that) and drinking water is not my favorite thing to do. I'm better about drinking water at work because I have it basically attached to my hand and make myself drink it but on the weekends I definitely don't drink enough. Also, about the multivitamins can I just say that my memory isn't what it used to be either so I'm taking the old granny route and putting them in a pill box and am going to put it in my lunch box so I'll remember to take them at lunch. Wow, getting old sure sucks!

I really didn't think that turning 30 would be any big deal but I'm really starting to freak out about it, I'm only 10 years away from 40 and can I just say the last 10 years seemed to fly by! Seems like just yesterday I was 20 years old and in my sophomore year of college. The fact that Little man is turning 5 this year doesn't help either. I'm going to have a child going to kindergarten this year!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'll update you all when I find my cocktail of wrinkle cream that does the trick to make me look young again :)

1 comment:

Nonnie said...

Yes, PLEASE, send all the anti-wrinkle advice my way when you find the best remedy!!