Friday, December 24, 2010

Post Interview

The interview went awesome! I'm pretty sure that I'll get a call offering me the position, however, it only pays 30K per year. The insurance benefits are WONDERFUL and the school day is shorter. I wouldn't have to be there until 8am and could leave by 4pm. The kids don't start school until 8:30 and then they are out of my classroom by 3:15pm. Right now I have to be to work at 7:30 and can't leave until 4pm. I usually have 1-3 kids still in my room until almost 4pm. I would get a 30 minute uninterrupted lunch. Right now the kids have 20 minutes for recess and then I have to pick them up and bring them back to the classroom to eat for 20 minutes.

The downfall to this position as I mentioned is the pay. Right now I make more than that and we're barely making ends meet. Also, the drive is 20 miles longer and will take me about 15 extra minutes. I would be paying around $150-200 per week in gas because we have a SUV. So unless it paid about 35K I don't think that I could take it. It's disappointing but at least I was able to get an interview and had a chance at another position. Hopefully I'll get more opportunities in the future and won't regret taking this position!

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