Thursday, August 05, 2010

Ready for a Vacation

I have two weeks left of my summer and it just began. I'm really excited because I'll be in So. next week visiting my brother with Little man and my mom. I need a vacation. Things are really starting to overwhelm me and I just want one week where I'm away from here and not forcing myself to come in contact with reality. Here's what's been going on in my world. I'm starting off with the positive.

  1. Baby M is no longer a baby anymore which is bittersweet but it's amazing how much he knows and is able to communicate. He's able to do so much and he's so darn funny. Tonight he rode Little man's three wheeled scooter down the side walk with one foot on and the other one sliding along the sidewalk making himself move. He was actually using the scooter correctly. On Tuesday he peddled his two wheel big boy bike with training wheels all the way to the playground. I had to guide the bike but he was actually peddling. I just love this age!!!!
  2. Little man is loving day camp this week. They get to do so many fun activities. He really is getting independent. He's in a hard stage right now and we're having a difficult time right now but he amazes me everyday too with all that he says and does. He's so excited for Kindergarten!!!!
  3. I'm going on vacation. We are flying and renting a car and staying with my brother. We are going to visit Colum.bia and Charl.ston as well as Myr.tle Be.ach. I'm so excited. All I want to do is relax and read and try to rejuvenate for this upcoming school year.
  • Dryer vent broke and hubby didn't realize it. I discovered it when he was out of town on Monday evening. It was blowing moist warm air into our basement for God knows how long. It caused things to mold and mildew. I ended up sending a good deal of baby stuff home with my mom because she's having a garage sale today and tomorrow. Things got ruined and I was stuck here alone having to clean everything up. It sucked
  • I'm slowly coming to the realization that we aren't having any more kids. I believe in signs and I'm feeling like the fact that a great deal of our stuff for a baby was ruined just seems like a sign. Also, I was going over our finances are we are WAY too far into the hole to bring another little person into this mess.
  • I'm feeling really down because I'm working my a$$ off and I just feel as though it's for peanuts. We're still coming up short every month and I'm now trying to figure out how the hell we are going to try to ever become debt free.
  • We thought we had our fourth grade team set for this year but they are changing things around again and might be moving one of the teachers back to her old position and hiring someone new. It's going to be tough having someone totally new because there is so much to learn. Guess we'll adjust and figure things out, I'm not going to worry about it.

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