Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Speechless

All I can do is cry and frankly that's not making things any better. Our fourth grade team got pulled in for yet another meeting today and there's just a few more things that we're doing a shitty job at. If I survive this year I'll be surprised because at this point I don't really see any light at the end of the tunnel and it's the worst feeling I've ever had in my life. I don't think that I've ever felt this much pain in my life. I hate being made to feel as though I suck at my job and can't do anything right because I'm doing a great job and deep down I know that I'm.

I wrote this on 11/22 and never posted it. On 11/23 administration wrote me up with a "final warning" before being fired. It was my first disciplinary action ever, let along there. It was for a bunch of b.s. things that weren't even true. I have until tomorrow afternoon to turn in my rebuttal, but I am seriously job hunting and trying to get out before they fire me. It's inevitable that they'll do it and usually they do things before holidays so I'm expecting Christmas break. I'm gathering and gearing up for a fight because they picked the wrong chick to screw with! I would appreciate any prayers and good vibes sent my way because I know that I'm doing a kick butt job and that they are bullying me and targeting me just like they do to people every year. I'm working hard to put an end to this nonsense behavior so it will stop.


Charlie said...

Oh that sounds so awful. I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way. Here in the UK we can't fire anyone easily, and the law is definitely on the side of the employee who can claim "unfair dismissal", I guess that's not the same in the US?

Regardless - what an awful situation to deal with. We spend so much of our time at work that it needs to be a positive environment - not a crappy one.

I really hope you either find a new job asap, or it drastically improves at your current one.

m said...

Thanks so much! I'm really trying to stay positive!