Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Ugg, I'm low

So things have definitely been better over here in my world. I'm really trying to stay positive but it's really, really hard. Here's a little about what I'm thankful for and the good things because I need to focus really hard on these right now.

  • Baby M, who like I've mentioned isn't a baby anymore will yell out at the most appropriate times "what the heck?" He has the giggle, head tilt, and sparkle in his eye. I know it's that's it's definitely something that he picked up from Little man and isn't great that he's saying but it's so darn cute and makes me laugh every time I hear him say it.
  • I got a sweet deal on the Leap.ster Explorer for Little man for Christmas, $49.99, originally $69.99 Ta.rget had it on sale for $10 cheaper and then I had a $10 off coupon. I was super excited about that!
  • I'm going back on birt.h con.trol. It's bittersweet because we were trying haphazardly to get pregnant and it didn't happen, thank god given our circumstance. I feel like once I'm back on I can quit worrying and just have fun with my hubby.
  • I went to my first cookie exchange on Sunday. It was pretty cool to go home with tons of different kinds of cookies. The hostess made everyone a really cool CD with all the recipes. I made yummy Or.eo Truffles for my cookie and they are to die for!
  • I got to read today! Even though I'm home sick it totally didn't matter because I actually read a couple chapters in my book club book. I feel like with all my work that I never get to read anything other than student work. It was so nice to "get into" a book. Now I just have to carve out time each day to read so I can actually finish the book.
  • My friend invited me to do a gift exchange on the 22nd. They found this cool website that allows you to make a group, put in all the names and e-mail addresses and then it randomly sends a name to each person of who they are going to buy for. You can also go on to this site and put up your wish list.
  • Little man got his report card on Friday and he got all 4's (Mastered) in all academic areas. He got mostly 4's on behavior with just a couple 3's. We're so proud of him. He's already in a guided reading group and is doing awesome learning his sight words :)
  • Christmas break is 11 school days away!!!! Our first day of break is the 23rd. It will be a short break but I want to enjoy every last minute of it!
I have to keep focusing on the positives because they are the hardest to remember and celebrate when life gets tough. It's really easy to focus on the negative things because they hurt so much. Here's to keeping my chin up and persevering!

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Glad to see you're still staying positive.

Hope you have a great Christmas with your family, and I look forward to reading about the brilliant year you're going to have next year!